Place = Homeoffice;
Type = Freelance;
Period = 2018 - Present;
Tags = UI, UX, Javascript, React, Design, HTML, CSS,
SASS, Astro, Web, Wireframe, Mockeups, Adobe;
Tasks = ({
- Mockups and Wireframing in low and high FIGMA, Adobe XD, Illustrator, and Photoshop.
- Web design and development using HTML, CSS, SASS, and JavaScript, Node.
Place = Around | The Broadcasting
Type = Fixed-term contract;
Period = 2018 - 2020;
Tags = UI, UX, Javascript, React, Design, HTML,
CSS, SASS, Astro, Web, Wireframe, Mockeups, Adobe;
Tasks = ({
- Maintenance and updating of the website in HTML, CSS, Javascript, .NET, Adobe XD. Design of the internal
- Mockups in low and High in Adobe XD, FIGMA or Illustrator, for specific interfaces related to the
planning of streaming series and movies for different brands: FOX Latam, CLAXSON, and amwatching.
- Worked collaboratively with the Front and Back-end teams, using .NET and/or React-JS.
Place = National Institute of Technology and
Industry (INTI);;
Type = Fixed-term contract;
Period = 2010 - 2018;
Tags = UI, UX, Javascript, React, Design, HTML,
CSS, SASS, Astro, Web, Wireframe, Mockeups, Adobe;
Tasks = ({
- Maintenance and updating of the INTI website and intranet, using markup languages such as HTML, CSS,
SASS, Javascript and Illustrator and Photoshop design tootls.
- Creation of Mi INTI portal, applying UX principles and accessibility standards, customized system akin
to a customized CMS using JAVA, HTML, CSS, SASS and Illustrator.
Place = National Institute of Technology and
Industry (INTI);
Type = Fixed-term contract;
Period = 2020 - 2023;
Tags = UX, Design, HTML, PHPList, PowerBI, Excel,
PowerQuery, Newsletter, Form campaigns;
Tasks = ({
- Execution of email campaigns using the PHPList tool, coordinating all emails sent outside the institute.
- Cleaning contact databases in Power Query.
- Creation or modification of HTML templates, followed by the creation of dynamic reports in PowerBI.
Place = National Institute of Technology and
Industry (INTI);
Type = Fixed-term contract;
Period = 2020 - Present;
Tags = AGILE, Kanban, Microsoft Planner & Sharepoint
& Entra, FTP;
Tasks = ({
- Implementation of Agile methodologies, with a focus on Kanban architecture.
- Use of tools such as Microsoft Planner, Teams, and SharePoint to coordinate and manage projects.User
permission control for accessing relevant files on the server.